Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2022-27 - Other - Page 66
B6. New approaches to citizen participation
There is a real opportunity through Heritage Horizons: Cairngorms 2030 to increase citizen participation,
empower local communities and directly engage people in making decisions that affect their local area,
addressing issues that matter to them. This will include decisions on the delivery of services provided
by the public sector.
Strengthen the participation structures that support
planning and decision-making at a local level.
Review approaches to community participation and engagement in
decision-making and develop an improvement plan by June 2023.
BY 2027
Scottish Land Commission, local authorities, community councils,
(alongside the
Park Authority)
Heritage Horizons: Cairngorms 2030 programme (see page 12).
development trusts
B7. Community-led planning and development
Community-led planning has been at the heart of the Cairngorms National Park since it began in 2003 and
many rounds of community action planning have been undertaken since, leading to significant changes in all
the communities of the National Park.
There is a need to support communities through local community funding and this was previously delivered
through the EU-funded LEADER programme. We want to ensure that the aspirations of communities are met,
community resilience is enhanced and that a community development fund appropriate for the National Park is
developed and in place during this plan period.
Communities have up-to-date community action plans and
are supported by a community-led local development funding
programme, delivering the National Park Partnership Plan.