Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2022-27 - Other - Page 54
f) Reducing red deer and other herbivore
Policy A5
(roe deer, fallow deer, sheep and hare)
Conserve and enhance habitat quality and
numbers where needed across the
connectivity, while ensuring the integrity of designated
National Park to enable woodlands
sites is maintained, with a particular focus on:
to expand, heather loss to be reversed,
peatlands to recover and wider biodiversity
a) Supporting woodland creation and
and landscape enhancement to take place.
management, especially natural
g) Applying a ‘green engineering first’
regeneration and riparian woodlands,
approach to flood management and water
delivering more natural and native
storage within catchments in the
woodland cover to create habitat connections
National Park.
between catchments and minimise
the need for fencing.
Policy A4
b) Creating a more natural transition from
Conserve and enhance the special landscape qualities
woodland to montane scrub to
of the National Park, with a particular focus on:
upland heath, with more structural
and species diversity. Linking habitats
a) Wildness qualities.
together sympathetically, with pockets
b) Maintaining and promoting dark skies.
and strips of trees and shrubs on
c) Supporting woodland expansion that
moorland edges, steep slopes, in gullies
maximises opportunities for long-term
and around woodland remnants.
enhancement of landscape and wildness
c) Conserving and enhancing wetlands.
qualities and limits short-term
d) Protecting and improving the
negative impacts through early
engagement and good scheme design.
freshwater environment.
e) Delivering a combination of ecosystem
d) Delivering enhancements that also
services, including natural flood
provide habitat improvements.
management, carbon sequestration
e) Enhancing opportunities to enjoy and
experience the landscapes of the
National Park.
f) Applying a presumption against new
constructed tracks in open moorland
and storage, timber and food production.
f) Managing public greenspace and transport
networks for biodiversity enhancement
and habitat connectivity.
g) Supporting off-site mitigation from
and, where agreed, ensuring new tracks are
development that contributes to
constructed to a high standard.
ecological networks.