Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2022-27 - Other - Page 45
BY 2027
Agree carbon and biodiversity management plans with farmers in the
National Park to help guide their activities.
Develop nature-friendly farming projects (woodland, waders,
species-rich grassland) as part of the Cairngorms Nature Action Plan.
(alongside the
Park Authority)
Develop and establish a Regional Land Use Framework and Partnership.
Heritage Horizons: Cairngorms 2030 programme (see page 12).
National Farmers’ Union of Scotland, Cairngorms Farmers' Forum, Scottish
Land and Estates, NatureScot, Quality Meat Scotland, farmers, landowners,
environmental NGOs, Scottish Land and Estates, Scottish Forestry,
Crown Estate Scotland
A9. Freshwater systems
River and wetland systems across the National Park are key to addressing many environmental issues, from
flooding to biodiversity loss. Restoring these systems to their natural state and reconnecting them with their
floodplains will increase our resilience to climate change, improve water quality, create larger flood buffer
zones and help store excess water. They will also provide essential habitats for wildlife to thrive.
The management of our water, the impacts that both droughts and flood events are having on the National
Park, and the likely impacts of climate change around the world make this is a key area of focus over the
next 25 years.
Restore and connect rivers to thriving wetlands and floodplains
as part of a wider restoration of the National Park’s freshwater
systems, helping mitigate the impacts of climate change.
70% of our rivers are in good ecological condition by 2045, with ecological
structure, function and productivity not deviating significantly from a
near-natural system condition.
The Cairngorms Nature Index (see Nature objective A12 – Cairngorms
Nature Index) will establish a baseline and measure change in river
naturalness. This is aligned with the Water Framework Directive and
enhanced by indicators.