Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2022-27 - Other - Page 14
Heritage Horizons:
Cairngorms 2030
Climate conscious communities
Increasing awareness and deepening understanding of the climate
emergency and its relevance to residents, communities, landowners and
businesses in the National Park.
Relevant partnership plan objectives: A1.
Climate learning and education
Putting the voices of young people at the heart of decision-making in the
National Park, empowering and inspiring our young people and educators
to take forward pro-environmental behaviours and activity.
Relevant partnership plan objectives: A1, B1, B7, B10 and B11.
Community arts and culture
Bringing together the National Park’s creative sector and communities
to identify and develop activities that create a greater connection to our
landscapes and foster a sense of place.
Relevant partnership plan objectives: B8, C10.
Community-managed grant scheme
Helping achieve our net zero and wellbeing economy targets by giving
communities the power to define, design, fund and deliver projects that
matter most to them.
Relevant partnership plan objectives: A14, B2, B5, B6, B7, B10,
C3, C4 and C10.
Effective community engagement and outreach
Shaping the way we engage with people in the National Park, ensuring
individuals and communities feel empowered, want to contribute and have
the resources to effect real change.
Relevant partnership plan objectives: B5, B6, B7 and B10.