Agriculture - HydrometersSpring 2025Wine & beer hydrometerMeasuring the speci昀椀c gravity of wine and beer anddesigned for home use, this hydrometer will monitorthe fermentation process and allows the percentageof alcohol to be determined easily with a zoned scale.Adjusted for use at 20°C.Range°SGLengthmm0.98 to 1.120230mmDivisions0.002Productnumber10/801/0Gay Lussac (alcoholometer)250mm hydrometer, measuringalcohol % by volume and adjusted at 15°C.Calibration needed?Contact our Sales TeamRange% AlcoholLengthmm0 to 100250mmDivisions1.0Productnumber10/670/0Olive oil hydrometersLengthRangeg/mlDivisions0.85 to 0.90190mm270mm330mm0.90 to 0.95ProductNumber10/305/00.00210/306/00.95 to 1.0010/307/00.85 to 0.9010/335/00.90 to 0.950.00110/336/00.95 to 1.00l10/337/00.85 to 0.9010/365/00.90 to 0.950.95 to 1.00Measurement for life.To calculate the weight of oil per litre to determinepurity of olive oil. 190mm, 270mm and 330mmlengths to suit various applications and adjustedfor use at 20°C.0.000510/366/010/367/
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