Agriculture - Digital instrumentsHigh precision waterproof test thermometerWaterproof thermometer to IP68.1.35m cable with 150mm stainless steel probe. High/low alarm,data hold and max min recording functions. Complete withhanger, stand and magnetic 昀椀xtures and suppliedwith calibration certi昀椀cate. HACCP compliant.Range: -40 to +300°C&FLCD dimensions: 20 x 32mmDimensions: 106 x 54 x 23mmProduct number: 38/600/0Spring 2025Water resistant probe testthermometerTest thermometer, water resistant to IP65with stainless steel probe, max min memoryand hold functions.Supplied with pocket case and clip.Range: -40 to 200°C&FLCD dimensions: 7 x 17mmDimensions: 200 x 20 x 15mmProduct number: 31/162/0Water resistant probe thermometer also availablepre-calibrated as part of Therm-cert range*Therm-cert product number: TC-004Waterproof digital ‘classic’max min thermometerDigital vets thermometerEasy to use electronic thermometer with rigid probe andwith chart showing Hobday’s speci昀椀cation (the normalbody temperature for a variety of animals). Thermometersupplied in protective case.Range: +32 to +42.9°CLCD dimensions: 6 x 18mmDimensions: 133 x 24 x 14mmProduct number: 11/015/2Measurement for life.Robust, digital max min thermometer,uniquely designed for Brannan to resembletraditional liquid-in-glass style max min but with waterproof housing - suitable for indoor or outdoor use.This max min is suitable for customer own branding.IP rating: IP66Range: -20 to +50°C&FDimensions: 210 x 70 x 20.5mmProduct number: 12/434/3Calibration needed?Contact our Sales
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