Agriculture - “Wet and dry” hygrometersMason’s hygrometersThese instruments measure the amount of water vapour inthe atmosphere, on a percentage scale known as RelativeHumidity (%RH). The di昀昀erence between the “wet” and “dry”bulb temperatures enables the %RH to be determinedthrough the use of tables or a calculator.Spring 2025White polypropylene case with watercontainer and wick. Supplied completewith calculator chart and instructionsto determine %RH. Replacement watercontainer pots and wick also available.Range: -5 to +50°C&FDimensions: 310 x 77 x 32mmProduct number: 13/222/3Replacement pot: 13/087/0Whirling hygrometersWhirling hygrometers, also known as sling psychrometers, employ the “wet” and “dry” bulb principal to determine%RH. They are designed to be rotated, by hand, to provide adequate and consistent ventilation of the bulbs.These hygrometers are 昀椀lled with a spirit 昀椀lling. Replacement re昀椀ll tubes are available for both models.These instruments can be supplied with calibration certi昀椀cation on request.Whirling hygrometerCompact psychrometerThis instrument uses shorter tubes andthe design incorporates a slide rule typecalculator to determine the %RH.The body of the instrument slides awayinto the handle providing completeprotection when not in use.The psychrometer is available in choiceof Celsius or Fahrenheit only scales.Range: -5 to +50°C or 0 to 120°FDimensions: 210 x 36 x 16mmProduct number: 13/606/2 - °C onlyProduct number: 13/606/1 - °F onlyReplacement tube: 13/605/2 (°C only)Replacement tube: 13/605/1 (°F only) for life.This traditional model has a folding handle withcalculator chart and instructions to determine thepercentage relative humidity. It is supplied with2pcs replacement wicks in a protective canvascarry case.Range: -5 to +50°C onlyDimensions: 82 x 232 x 30mm (handle closed)Product number: 13/744/2Replacement tubes: 13/044/2Pack of 12 replacement wicks: 13/086/015
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