Environmental monitoring
Brannan o昀昀er a range of environmental instrumentation to measure the environment. All instruments are supplied
complete with factory certi昀椀cate of calibration, battery and full instructions. All electronic instruments are CE,
WEEE and RoHS compliant. Full certi昀椀cation is available via our website.
Mini thermo-anemometer
Mini thermo-sound level
Mini meter to measure sound
level with colour LCD. Max min
and data hold functions.
Ranges: 35 to 135db
Accuracy: +/-2.0dB
LCD dimensions: 30 x 28mm
Dimensions: 144 x 56 x 30mm
Product number: 13/471/0
Spring 2025
Wind speed meter to measure air
velocity with colour LCD. User
selectable units, max min and data
hold functions.
Ranges: 0.4 to 30 m/s, 1.4 to 108 km/s,
0.9 to 67 Mph & 0.8 to 88 knots
Accuracy: +/-0.3% rdg
LCD dimensions: 30 x 28mm
Dimensions: 178 x 56 x 30mm
Product number: 13/470/0
Mini thermo-light meter
Mini thermo-humidity meter
A digital instrument which has been
designed to combine the functions
of a thermometer and humidity meter.
Features user selectable units,
max min recording and data hold
function and colour LCD.
Temperature range: -30 to 70°C&F
Humidity range: 0 to 100%RH
Accuracy: +/-2.5°C&F / 2%RH
LCD dimensions: 30 x 28mm
Dimensions: 168 x 56 x 30mm
Product number: 13/473/0
Twin white dials with hygrometer and
thermometer scales and red pointers.
Coloured zones indicate comfortable
environment for the home or other
Thermom. range: -10 to +50°C&F
Hygrom. range: 0 to 100%RH
Dimensions: 130 x 65 x 10mm
Product number: 30/415/3
Carbon dioxide detector
The Brannan carbon dioxide detector
measures carbon dioxide (CO2), air
temperature and humidity. The device helps
measure ventilation in enclosed spaces such
as classrooms, o昀케ces, and hospitality venues,
and helps in the 昀椀ght against the spread of
contagious disease such as Covid-19.
CO2 concentration range: 0 to 9999ppm
Accuracy: +/-5% rdg
LCD dimensions: 49 x 38mm
Dimensions: 100 x 60 x 48mm
Product number: 38/920/0
Measurement for life.
Twin mini dial thermometer
& hygrometer
Hand held meter to measure
illuminance. Silicone photodiode with spectral response
昀椀lter. Features include max min recording,
colour LCD and user selectable units.
Ranges: 0 to 200 klux & 0 & 20 kFc
Accuracy: +/-3% rdg
LCD dimensions: 30 x 28mm
Dimensions: 175 x 56 x 30mm
Product number: 13/472/0