Environmental monitoring - ecology and weather kitsThe Brannan ecology kits are designed to monitor weather conditions.We o昀昀er a choice of standard or premium kits, both containinga selection of weather watcher equipment and weather registerto record all measurements. Supplied in a robust carry case withfull operating instructions.Dimensions: 320 x 280 x 119mmStandard ecology & weather kitSpring 2024Easy to use meteorological instruments, suitablefor use as an introduction to weather monitoring.Contents:• Rainfall sprinkler measure• Masons hygrometer• Gilt dial barometer• Digital maximum minimum thermometer• 150mm wood wall thermometer• Weather registerProduct number: 25/708/0Premium ecology & weather kitMeasurement for life.A premium meteorological kit containing a selectionof high speci昀椀cation instruments for more advancedweather recording.Contents:• Whirling hygrometer• Rainfall sprinkler measure• Mini thermo-sound level meter• Mini thermo-anemometer• Mini thermo-light meter• Mini thermo-humidity meter• Weatherstation• Soil thermometer• Weather registerProduct number: 25/709/0NEED ALTERNATIVE PRODUCT CONTENTS?Talk to our sales team about bespoke kitwith your choice of product contents.12brannan.co.uksales@brannan.co.uk
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