Soil metersCo-ordinating light, moisture and pH meters with cabled probeInstand reading soil meters supplied with plant care guides. Each meter has a robust caseand 190mm cabled probe. No batteries required making them ideal for horticultural and allsoil studies in the 昀椀eldDimensions: 100 x 68 x 28mmLight &moisture meterDual meter to test both formoisture content in soil or compostand for the light falling onto a plant.Moisture range: 1 to 10Light range: A to H (low to high)Product number: 13/735/0Meter to test moisturecontent in soil to help avoidover or under-watering plants.Moisture range: 1 to 10Product number: 13/737/0pH meterMeasures level of lime (acidity)in the soil to help determine whichplants are likely to thrive and howto provide the special growingconditions they need.pH range: 3.5 to 9 pHProduct number: 13/736/03-in-1 meter to test soil levelsof pH, moisture and light.Robust case and two 180mmmetal probes.Moisture range: 1 to 10PH range: 3.5 to 8 pHRelative light range: 0 to 2000 LuxDimensions: 210 x 95 x 95mmProduct number: 13/400/ for life.3-way soil meterTwin pack with light & moisture meterand pH meterProduct number: 13/738/0Spring 2025Moisture meter11
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