Smag på Løgstør 2024 - Flipbook - Side 25
I Danmark er der altid kort til kysten, og hvis
du er til frihed og fart, så er windsur昀椀ng helt
sikkert også for dig – og her er Løgstør er oplagt
sted at kaste sig i bølgerne!
Løgstør is an Overlooked Surf Spot
The Lim昀樀ord is a playground o昀昀ering endless surf
spots for both beginners and advanced surfers alike.
Situated a 15-minute drive from Løgstør, Trend has
been known as a hot sur昀椀ng spot for many years. Løgstør on the other hand, is an overlooked pearl – and
that is a big mistake.
Løgstør o昀昀ers many of the same a琀琀rac琀椀ve advantages as Trend. A long sandbar makes sure the water is
shielded from the largest waves, which makes it par琀椀cularly good for freeride or freestyle. It is also a good
spot to exercise basis techniques, for both beginners
and advanced surfers alike.
If you s琀椀ll wonder if sur昀椀ng is for you, you can take our
word for it that it is both fun, exci琀椀ng, and challenging – and it is for everyone! Within a short 琀椀me, you
can experience joyful rides across wave crests at high
speed with the wind at your back.
Foto: Manuel Vogel/