FY24 Campaign Volunteer Handbook - Flipbook - Page 45
Prospect (Also Prospective Donor): Any potential donor whose
connections, giving ability and interests have been confirmed.
Public Phase: The period of public solicitation during a campaign that
usually follows the successful completion of a campaign’s quiet phase
and the establishment of a pattern of giving.
Quiet Phase (Also Silent Phase): The period in a campaign prior to the
public announcement or launch of the campaign. The purpose of the
silent phase is to build momentum and collect a significant percentage
of the necessary funds (approximately 50%).
Recurring Gift: When a donor elects to make an automatic, ongoing
donation instead of a one-time gift. Examples include monthly
payments or payroll deduction.
Solicit: To make a request or appeal as for a philanthropic contribution.
Stewardship: Meaningful engagement with donors to demonstrate
responsible management of the resources entrusted to Boise State.
Tax-Exempt Status: Contributions to the Foundation are taxdeductible. The Foundation funds are managed by professional fund
custodians and investors whose performance is reviewed quarterly by a
committee of the Boise State University Foundation Board of Directors.
The Boise State University Foundation is recognized as a tax-exempt
organization under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
Unbridled: The name of the most ambitious comprehensive campaign
in Boise State’s history.
Campaign Volunteer Handbook | 45
Principal Gift: A gift of $1M and above.