Stevenage 75th anniversary magazine | biz4Biz - Magazine - Page 18
Stevenage is home to internationally
recognised businesses and Its worldwide
reputation for STEM - Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics – continues
to grow with the expansion of its Life
Sciences sector.
With the third largest cell and gene therapy
cluster in the world, STEM based industries
offer fantastic employment opportunities
and skills for local people together in
conjunction with local educational facilities
at North Herts College. Life Sciences is
present in the immediate town centre
vicinity, with Autolus Therapeutics recently
moving into a new £65m building in the
heart of the town. Consequently, one of the
first underpass artworks was boldly themed
to represent the town’s achievements in
S T E V E N A G E A C ATA LY S T F O R G R O W T H | 2 0 2 4
The artworks create a colourful, welcoming
pathway to key areas in the town. With
45km of traffic-free cycle network running
throughout Stevenage, the underpass
network allows movement aways from the
busy roads and links key areas of the town
together, such as the Railway Station and
Bus Interchange. The underpasses encourage
active travel and add vibrancy to the