Insight 42 - Magazine - Page 36
We are delighted to announce that Essex
& Herts Air Ambulance (EHAAT) will
once again be our chosen charity for the
2024 Herts Business Awards.
On average, they treat 1,000 patients
every year, with the HEMS (helicopter
emergency medical service) team
dispatched approximately six times per
day across Essex, Hertfordshire and
surrounding areas.
EHAAT strives to save lives, reduce or
prevent disability, or suffering from critical
illness and injury, by delivering a 昀椀rst-class
pre-hospital emergency medical service.
With two helicopters and a 昀氀eet of rapid
response vehicles (RRVs), this life-saving
service is available 24 hours a day, 365
days a year.
Each base (Earls Colne and North Weald)
works a twelve-hour helicopter shift when
daylight hours allow. The shift continues
in a rapid response vehicle (RRV) when
daylight hours are reduced.
Essex & Herts Air Ambulance, unlike
NHS emergency services, is a charity. It
costs £12 million every year to cover all
operational and charitable costs. Without
access to National Lottery funding and
with limited government support, EHAAT
relies upon the generosity and goodwill
of local people and businesses so they
can continue to be there for people when
they are needed most.
Being the chosen charity of the Herts
Business Awards for 2024 means your
contributions on the evening via the
raf昀氀e, charity envelopes and auction will
help EHAAT to continue to provide this
valuable service to the public.
It would be great if you would
kindly consider donating an item to
be auctioned on the night with all
proceeds supporting the charity.