Insight 43 - Magazine - Page 11
Sustainability – Attracting Green
The Industrial Strategy Green Paper sets
out a 10 year plan to remove the barriers
to growth in the highest potential growthdriving sectors and places, while the
Budget sets ambitious decarbonisation
targets and plans to achieving clean
growth and sustainable infrastructure. At
the same time, the Government has also
drawn up legally binding commitments
to help nature recover via Local Nature
Recovery Strategies.
This webinar will explore how we can
attract the green economy and better
incentivise sustainable development.
Could Hertfordshire Innovation Quarter
enterprise zone and Hemel Garden
Communities become exemplars for
delivering sustainable housing and
commercial development at scale? It will
also look at the valuable contributions
our rural communities and agri-sector
can make to support innovation and
diversification, while at the same reducing
Digital Adoption
In the last in this series we examine the
risks and opportunities for the digital
sector for business, places and people.
"How we respond
to these issues
will help shape
future in the
long term"
sector as well as local and neighbouring
authorities. These discussions highlighted
that the core strategic themes of inclusion,
sustainability and innovation are not just
relevant for Hertfordshire but are also
of national importance.The debates will
support the final development of the
economic strategy and help to identify
next steps for local action.
Digital adoption is revolutionising our key
sectors, driving growth and productivity,
but there are risks for those businesses
and residents left behind. This webinar will
look at digital both from the perspective
of driving innovation and improving
inclusion. How can this cross-cutting
sector drive innovation across key sectors,
and how can we better prepare residents
and businesses for a digital age to help
future-proof our economy.
Neil Hayes, CEO, Hertfordshire Futures,
said: “The extensive engagement process
has taught us that these key strategic
themes are not just the rights ones for the
county but are also nationally significant.
How we respond to these issues will help
shape Hertfordshire’s future in the long
term. These public webinars are intended
to be just the start of that conversation
– the real works begins when we start to
deliver on the actions identified in our
emerging Economic Strategy and take
steps to create a more equitable and
sustainable economic future.”
The series forms the last part of public
engagement as Hertfordshire Futures
develops a new Economic Strategy
for the county for the next 10 years and
beyond. Over the second half of 2024
(July to December), Hertfordshire Futures
carried out extensive engagement with
a wide range of stakeholders across
health, business, education, the voluntary
All the webinars are open to the public
and free to attend.
Booking details
will be advertised
well in advance on
our website and
each webinar will
be available to
view on demand.