BPS High School Course Catalog 24-25 - Flipbook - Page 94
Modify the Algebra II content.
Modify course requirements for a student who transfers from out of state or from a nonpublic
school and is unable to meet the MMC requirements.
Modify, if necessary, the course requirements of a student with an Individualized Education
Plan (IEP).
This document provides an overview of our current High School Graduation Requirements
and allowable Personal Curriculum options. http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,1607,7-1406530_30334_49879---,00.html
Virtual Learning
All students have the opportunity to take online classes under the 21F law and within the guidelines
of the District’s structure. Our responsibility will be to register a student for the online class, provide a
mentor teacher to ensure progress/assistance, and provide communication as to student status. The
Principal of Virtual Learning works alongside the Seaholm and Groves administration to develop
protocols that will ensure student success. In addition to providing a mentor, students taking online
classes will be required to be in a computer lab at their home school during the time for which the
online course is scheduled. Students who take online courses will adhere to standard attendance
policies. This helps to ensure students receive consistent support as well as progress monitoring while
taking an online class. Students will need to sign up for online classes with their counselor by the cutoff
date in order to have them signed up and ready to go at the beginning of the semester. Please see your
counselor for the cutoff dates and to get the forms to see if your schedule will allow for the class or
classes. The counselor and Principal of Virtual Learning will be in contact to set up the class and assign
a mentor. If you have any questions regarding how to sign up or would like information regarding the
District’s online learning program, feel free to contact the Principal of Lincoln Street Alternative & Virtual
Learning, David Brooks at dbrooks@birmingham.k12.mi.us
World Language Requirement Fulfillment By Exam
Students who can demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language acquired outside the Birmingham
Public Schools setting may receive graduation credit for the language. This includes languages not
taught in BPS. For more information about this process, please contact please contact Lindsey Aldridge,
Curriculum Coordinator, at laldridge@birmingham.k12.mi.us.
Seal of Biliteracy
The Michigan Seal of Biliteracy (MI-SoBL) has been created to recognize High School graduates who
exhibit language proficiency in English and at least one additional world language. The Seal may be
awarded to any student receiving a high school diploma who has demonstrated Intermediate High
Proficiency on acceptable world language assessments. The Seal has been created to encourage
students to study world languages and embrace their native and heritage languages. The Seal will
provide employers with a way to identify individuals with strong language and biliteracy skills. The Seal
may serve as an additional tool for Colleges and Universities to recognize applicants’ language abilities
for admission and placement. For more information about this process, please contact please contact
Lindsey Aldridge, Curriculum Coordinator, at laldridge@birmingham.k12.mi.us.
NCAA Eligibility Center
Any student who plans to participate in any sport at a Division I or Division II college or university must
register with the NCAA Eligibility Center during his/her junior year or at the beginning of the senior
year. It is of utmost importance that the student meets with his/her counselor to ensure the transcript
will rate eligibility status. The NCAA Eligibility Center does not accept some of the academic courses for
credit provided by Birmingham Public Schools. To review NCAA Approved Courses, please click here:
https://web3.ncaa.org/hsportal/exec/hsAction. Be sure to include your NCAA High School Code, click
Search, scroll to the bottom to see approved courses by curricular area.
Seaholm: 230327, Groves: 23033