BPS High School Course Catalog 24-25 - Flipbook - Page 91
Special Marking Letters for Grading
F = Withdrawal: failure due to attendance
G = Pass grade in pass/fail course (not figured in GPA)
U = Failure grade in a pass/fail course (not figured in GPA)
I = Incomplete (student should see the teacher)
H = Excused for medical reasons (not figured in GPA)
W = Withdrawal
S = Satisfactory completion of requirement
FC = Fail/credit - Failed due to attendance, but received
credit by passing exam with a C+ or better
AT = Audited course
TO = Testing Out
Note: When a subject is repeated for grade replacement, only the higher final grade is included in
determining the student GPA; however, both grades remain on the student’s transcript.
Official transcripts are available electronically using Parchment.com http://www.parchment.com, the
etranscript provider for the State of Michigan. Students must have a Parchment account in order to
request either a personal transcript copy or a transcript for distribution to a college or university. Alumni
should follow the directions on the Parchment website for setting up an account. Transcript requests
may be made at any time during the year. Updates will be made to transcripts at the end of every
semester. Please see the registrars in the Student Center if you need assistance.
Groves – Julie Hourdakis jhourdakis@birmingham.k12.mi.us or 248-203-3511
Seaholm - Catherine Henne chenne@birmingham.k12.mi.us or 248-203-3754.
Lincoln Street Alternative High School
Lincoln Street Alternative is a comprehensive high school program designed for students from both
Groves and Seaholm who, for various reasons, need or could benefit from an alternative environment
for their high school experience. The school follows the same daily bell schedule as Groves and Seaholm
and provides a full day of classes for grades 10 through 12. The smaller population allows a student to
receive more individualized attention from the staff of four teachers and two paraprofessionals. LSA
offers most of the classes a student needs to fulfill his/her graduation requirements, including both core
and various elective classes based upon student interest and need. The staff has designed an integrated
approach to learning, emphasizing interdisciplinary and group-oriented activities involving the whole
school. In an attempt to relate learning to life, the staff promotes community involvement through field
trips, speakers and community service activities. Students who attend the program will still be
considered members of their original high school and may participate in all extra-curricular activities.
Any students who graduate having taken classes at Lincoln Street Alternative will receive diplomas
from either Groves or Seaholm.