BPS High School Course Catalog 24-25 - Flipbook - Page 85
161180 Individualized English 10
Teachers and sophomore students will create a learning community that offers both consistency in
expectations and differentiation of instruction. A diverse study of novels, drama, film, essays, and poetry
provide the basis for discussion and critical thinking. This course offers the foundation for reading and
writing expectations at the high school level. This class follows the curriculum from English Team 10
Grades taught: 10
Credit: 1
10346 Individualized English 12 B Senior Seminar B
With teacher guidance, seniors in this course select their own topic of study to research, examine, and
then develop into a well-sourced research paper which they present to a panel of peers, faculty and/or
experts for review. The class will offer extensive guidance in research and writing skills as well as multimedia and oral communication skills. Prerequisite: As determined by IEP team.
Grades taught: 12
Credit: 0.5
361220 Individualized Pre-Algebra
This course is designed to aid students in making the transition from middle school mathematics to
Algebra. It provides the student with prerequisite skills, concepts, and problem-solving processes such
as collection, organization and presentation of data, as well as predictions and inferences. This class will
provide individualized instruction and pacing to assist each student to reach his/her goals. The material
covered during the year will include a review of addition and subtraction, review of multiplication and
division, operations and decimals, number theory, operations and fractions, integers, sentences and
integers, ordered pairs and graphing, rational numbers, ratios, proportions and percentages,
introduction to geometry, lengths and measures, area and volume, probability and statistics, squares
and square roots.
Grades taught: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit: 1
370020 Individualized Integrated Math 1
Individualized Integrated Math 1 aims to deepen and extend student understanding built in previous
courses by focusing on developing fluency with solving linear equations, inequalities, and systems.
These skills are extended to solving simple exponential equations, exploring linear and exponential
functions graphically, numerically, symbolically, and as sequences, and by using regression techniques
to analyze the fit of models to distributions of data.
Prerequisites: Placement by IEP Team decision
Grades taught: 10, 11, 12
Credit: 1
370050 Individualized Integrated Math 2
Individualized Integrated Math 2 aims to formalize and extend the geometry that students have learned
in previous courses. It does this by focusing on establishing triangle congruence criteria using rigid
motions and formal constructions and building a formal understanding of similarity based on dilations
and proportional reasoning. It also helps students develop the concepts of formal proof, explore the
properties of two-dimensional objects, and work within the rectangular coordinate system to verify
geometric relationships. Students also use the language of set theory to compute and interpret
probabilities for compound events. Prerequisites: Integrated Math 1 or Individualized Math 1.
Grades Taught: 11, 12
Credit: 1