BPS High School Course Catalog 24-25 - Flipbook - Page 74
23102 AP Economics A (Microeconomics)
This Advanced Placement course is designed to provide an in-depth overview of the principles of
economics that apply to an economic system as a whole and to the functions of individual decision
makers, both consumers and producers, within the larger economic system. The aim of Advanced
Placement Economics is to provide a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in a college level
introductory economics course. Prior economics courses are not required for entry into this course. First
semester microeconomic concepts include: the nature and functions of product markets, factor
markets, efficiency, equity, and the role of government. A student must take this course for both
semesters to fulfill the economics and personal finance graduation requirement. College Board
Administers separate exams for Microeconomics and Macroeconomics.
Prerequisites: Grades of B or above in prior social studies courses. Strength in mathematics is helpful.
AP Economics A is a strongly recommended prior to the selection of AP Economics B
Grades Taught: 11, 12
Credit: .5
NCAA Approved
23112 AP Economics B (Macroeconomics)
This Advanced Placement course is designed to provide an in-depth overview of the principles of
economics that apply to an economic system as a whole and to the functions of individual decision
makers, both consumers and producers, within the larger economic system. The aim of Advanced
Placement Economics is to provide a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in a college level
introductory economics course. Prior economics courses are not required for entry into this course.
Second semester macroeconomic concepts include: measurements of economic performance, national
income and price determination, economic growth, international finance, exchange rates, and balance
of pay-ments. A student must take this course for both semesters to fulfill the economics and
personal finance graduation requirement. College Board Administers separate exams for
Microeconomics and Macroeconomics.
Prerequisites: Grades of B or above in prior social studies courses. Strength in mathematics is helpful.
AP Economics A is a strongly recommended prior to the selection of AP Economics B
Grades Taught: 11, 12
Credit: .5
NCAA Approved
281220BL AP European History
The AP European History course is a year-long course designed to provide an in-depth survey of the
social, cultural, economic, and political developments of European History from c. 1450 through the
modern era via a variety of historical interpretive lenses. This course is intended for the student who has
a strong interest in history, will develop continued sophisticated writing skills, and promotes continued
strength in reading comprehension. The course is designed to prepare students to take the Advanced
Placement Exam. As such, students will extensively read and analyze primary and secondary sources,
write a variety of essays, engage deeply with thorough content knowledge, and effectively
communicate their historical understanding through discussion. This course is a Social Studies elective
open to Juniors and Seniors. AP European History includes a required summer assignment.
Prerequisites: None, Taking AP US History would be helpful but not required
Grades Taught: 11th, 12th
Credit: 1
NCAA Approved
230820 AP United States Government and Politics
Advanced Placement United States Government and Politics is a full year course in which students
explore in depth the workings of our federal government system. Students examine primary sources,
such as the Constitution and Federalist papers, to gain insights into our governing documents and the
historical and political climate of that time period. By engaging in critical readings from an extensive
and varied list of primary and secondary materials, students analyze and draw conclusions about the