BPS High School Course Catalog 24-25 - Flipbook - Page 73
Study in the Social Studies Disciplines is essential to an individual’s growth in a democratic society. We
have included the table below of the Requirements (State Law, and Birmingham Board of Education)
as well as the Electives that can be used for completion of the Social Studies Require Program of
Study. The courses provide many opportunities in a wide range of skill and development levels.
Course Options
1.0 credit World History
World History
Honors Flex 9
Excel 9
Honors Excel 9
1.0 credit U.S. History
U.S. History
AP U.S. History
Honors Flex 10
Excel 10
Honors Excel 10A
0.5 credit Economics
AP Economics A (Microeconomics) and AP Economics B (Macroeconomics)
(must complete both semesters to fulf ill graduation requirement)
Honors Flex 11
Excel 11
Honors Excel 11
0.5 credit Government
U.S. Government
AP U.S. Government and Politics (must complete both semesters)
Honors Flex 12
Excel 12
Honors Excel 12
0.5 credit elective
AP European History
AP Psychology
AP African American History-Pending Board Approval (Groves)
African American History (Groves)
Court Cases – Constitutional History and Law (Groves)
Critical Issues (Seaholm)
Family History (Seaholm)
Global Issues (Groves)
The History of American Feminism (Groves)
Women’s Studies (Groves)
Holocaust (Groves)
Roots of Western Philosophy (Groves
Modern Philosophy (Groves)
Law and You (Seaholm)
Psychology and the Individual (Groves)
Topics in Psychology
World Geography (Groves)
Vietnam (Seaholm)