BPS High School Course Catalog 24-25 - Flipbook - Page 37
68002 Foods and Nutrition
This course is designed to provide students with skills necessary to apply proper nutrition to meal
planning and preparation. Students will have opportunities to participate in many labs that include
the preparation of fruits, grains, dairy products, meats, vegetables and various dessert recipes. Course
activities focus on nutrition, kitchen safety, sanitation and healthy lifestyle choices. Course cannot be
Prerequisites: None
Grades Taught: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit: .5
68012 Multicultural Foods
This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills in food
planning and preparation. The focus of this class will be on the characteristics of foods from different
cultures, regions, and countries. Students will demonstrate a favorite cultural/regional recipe. Course
may be repeated with teacher permission.
Prerequisites: Foods and Nutrition
Grades Taught: 10, 11, 12
Credit: .25
68322 Child Development and Parenting A
This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to gain knowledge about parenting
and child development. Course topics include: parenting practices and theories, reproduction, prenatal
development, childbirth, infant stages of development, and safety concerns. The importance of strong
parent-child relationships on a child’s social, emotional, physical and intellectual development are
explored. Students will have the opportunity to learn the responsibilities of parenting by participating in
a simulation using a computerized “Real Care Baby”. In addition to learning about parenting, this course
offers a great foundation for anyone who wants to learn about human development and has an interest
in working with children.
Prerequisites: None
Grades Taught: 10, 11, 12
Credit: .5
68324 Child Development and Parenting B
This course is a continuation of Child Development and Parenting 1. This course is designed for students
who have a passion for learning about and working with young children. Topics of study include, but are
not limited to, developmental milestones for young learners, conducting authentic observations of
students in classrooms, daily personal reflections, exploration of art, math, and literacy in an early
childhood educational setting. Students will have the opportunity to create lessons and activities and
apply in classroom settings.
Prerequisites: Completion of Child Development & Parenting 1 with “C” or better
Grades Taught: 10, 11, 12
Credit: .5
68333 Life Skills: High School & Beyond (formerly called Contemporary Life Issues)
This course will focus on a deeper understanding of self, personal responsibility, decision-making, and
communication skills that will enhance students’ quality of life; time spent on areas will be tailored to
class needs and interests. The core areas of focus include: character and values, personal and family
rela-tionships, goal setting, conflict resolution, coping skills, basic personal finance, aging and the life
cycle, and independent living. After taking Life Skills: High School & Beyond, students will better
understand how to handle personal, family, and social challenges.
Prerequisite: None
Grades Taught: 10, 11, 12
Credit: .25