BPS High School Course Catalog 24-25 - Flipbook - Page 19
Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs provide our students with the necessary academic,
technical, and workplace skills to help them succeed in college and careers. Our state-approved CTE
programs provide rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards, as well as related
relevant technical knowledge and skills. The blend of work-based learning experiences through
collaboration with business and industry, and the development of soft skills through student
leadership opportunities, provides a seamless transition into higher education and/or the world of
Every year, over 1,000 Groves and Seaholm students participate in CTE courses and related cocurricular clubs! Upon successful completion of a CTE program, articulated or direct college credit
may be available.
Benefits to a CTE pathway that can be highlighted on a job/college/scholarship application or
prepare a student for work-place readiness upon graduation:
Depth of career focused curriculum
Participation in Work Based Learning (for example: job shadow placements, internships, career
exploration through field trips, and industry speakers in CTE classes)
Earn industry certifications and/or credentials such as Microsoft Office Excel and PowerPoint, IT
Specialist in Python & Java, engineering-related Industry 4.0 SACA credentials, and more.
Participation in career-focused co-curricular leadership and competitive opportunities like DECA,
Girls in STEAM, Investments Club, & Robotics.
BPS offers the following CTE Programs:
Architecture and Interior Design
Business Management and Operations
Engineering: Design Engineering
Engineering Technology/Mechatronics: Renewable Energy,
Engineering Systems, & Robotics/Automation
Future Educators
IT - Computer Science and Programming
IT - Digital/Multimedia & Information Resources Design
Marketing & Sales
Work Based Learning/Internships
Life Skills Courses
Life Skills courses are designed to equip students with the personal skill sets and knowledge necessary
for whatever their plans may be after high school. The classes offer work-based experiences, Microsoft
Office Skills, independent living skills, decision making skills, strategies for building & maintaining
healthy relationships, career exploration, and practical life skills necessary to maintain total health and
wellness today and in the future.