Impact Report 3.19 - Flipbook - Page 2
Presidents Message
In his book Good to Great author Jim Collins instructs how to turn a good organiza琀椀on into one that
produces sustained great results. He states: “Just because something is your core business – just because
you have been doing it for years or perhaps even decades – does not necessarily mean you can be the
best in the world at it”. Taking this to heart, we strive to constantly improve the service we provide to
the young people we serve.
When our organiza琀椀on was created in 1941, providing supervision of young people and engaging
them in fun ac琀椀vi琀椀es was su昀케cient to achieve our mission. During the 1970’s, when many
mothers sought employment outside of the home, a con琀椀nuum of care required
us to provide transporta琀椀on from school to the Club each weekday. By 2000,
studies showed that young people needed good nutri琀椀on if they were to
perform well academically. So, we provided free snacks and meals. We
also ins琀椀tuted a mandatory ac琀椀vity each weekday called “Power Hour”
during which sta昀昀 help young people with their homework. Students
fell further behind in their studies during the Covid Pandemic.
So, we introduced a computer-based program to improve their
reading and math skills.
In 2023, we adjusted once more by adding a Director of
Impact posi琀椀on to measure and report the impact of
our services. We are pleased to provide this synopsis
of our findings. While our program has improved
exponen琀椀ally over the years, we will not cease to 昀椀nd
new ways to become the best in the world at it.
Danny Sherlock
President & CEO