The Inner Critic - Flipbook - Page 4
Hello, I’m Beverley McMaster and I work as a Leadership Development Coach.
I have come to
observe, over years of working with many dierent clients, how harsh they can be with themselves.
Harshness which can stop them in their tracks, bringing a halt to the possibilities that they see.
This short e-book focuses on the Inner Critic - that inner voice of disappointment, the internal dialogue
that often gets the better of us. Most often we see the Inner Critic as an enemy, something to be
fought against. Although understandable, I conjecture that this is a pity. What instead if we could
suspend judgement for a moment? Desist from regarding it as something with which we must go to
war, to banish even? How about pausing and wondering how it evolved, letting that inform our
response? Could it be that by oering it our listening, our patience and compassion, being present to
it, that if we brought it closer, we might discover it has something to teach us? Could we even learn to
love it?