2024-Bergmeyer-CSRReport FINAL - Flipbook - Page 25
In 2023 Bergmeyer began a recalibration of our
environmental stewardship e昀昀orts, focusing on carbon
emissions and materials transparency as two critical
areas to build both internal literacy and to better serve our
clients and communities. We have begun to analyze and
track embodied carbon in our project work, and to retool
our material library/sample procurement life cycle process.
By far, our most signi昀椀cant achievement was the
launch of Bergmeyer+, which is initially focused on
activating sustainability issues up and down the supply
chain around retail store 昀椀xtures. Our process has
revealed huge untapped potential for improvements
in an industry that goes largely unmonitored, with
practices driven primarily by speed of production and
turnover rates. Even at a very high level, an improvement
in emissions reductions, reducing toxins in material
production processes, or reuse and recycling strategies,
when ampli昀椀ed across the retail industry will have an
extraordinarily positive impact. Bergmeyer+ is moving
out of beta testing in 2024 and in collaboration with
Parallel, we will be rolling out this service o昀昀ering to both
existing and new clients and partners.
Bergmeyer | 2023 Corporate Social Responsibility Report