2024-Bergmeyer-CSRReport FINAL - Flipbook - Page 23
Boston Fenway Victory Gardens
The Fenway Victory Gardens are part of a nonpro昀椀t group who are keeping the only continuously-operating World War II Victory
Gardens in the United States alive. The gardens are broken up into more than 350 plots individually rented to Bostonians.
Community members can use their garden however they like; growing food, 昀氀owers or creating a simple moment of zen. When the
gardens get abandoned or given back they often need to be cleaned out before another individual will take ownership of it. That’s
where we came in! We cleared a very overgrown garden, which included removing trash, weeding, sorting out invasive species
and removing a broken down raised bed. The Garden was snatched up on the very next plot selection day!
Bergmeyer | 2023 Corporate Social Responsibility Report