2024-Bergmeyer-CSRReport FINAL - Flipbook - Page 18
Civic Engagement
JJ Nelson
Senior Associate, Director of Brand Communications
Board of Directors member, SpeakOUT Boston
Since 1972 SpeakOUT Boston – the nation’s oldest LGBTQ+ speakers
bureau – has been working to help create a world free of bias and
prejudice by training people in the LGBTQ+ community to tell their
stories in an impactful way. JJ Nelson, a proud member of the LGBTQ+
community, joined SpeakOUT Boston's Board of Directors in 2022 in
an e昀昀ort to 昀椀nd more meaningful ways to make an impact on the world
outside of his professional life - 昀椀nding genuine purpose and alignment
with SpeakOUT's mission and the power of their storytelling to a variety
of faith-based, educational, and organizational communities. JJ notes
that learning to tell his own story about both the joys and di昀케culties
of his journey as a gay man has been cathartic and healing, and that
the process of sharing through storytelling can have a huge impact on
others. JJ’s Board role is currently focused on both the Advancement
and the newly created Marketing + Communications committees
at SpeakOUT Boston, where he has co-authored a strategic plan to
address outreach in the post-Covid-shutdown world. JJ continues to
use his professional expertise and both his natural ability and inclination
to amplify the organization’s voice over
various media channels.
“We live in a world where we tend to
not listen to each other – we tend
to box each other into stereotypes
– and the systems we build don’t
easily allow new perspectives or
pathways for overcoming bias. In
any conversation, if we have any
hope of connection we need to let
the other person speak openly and
honestly! My SpeakOUT Boston
work also allows me to give back to
and support those who blazed the
trail and who have helped me be
out and proud – and in the process
I can help others in the LGBTQ+
community tell their stories.”
“My training and work at SpeakOUT
Boston has made me a better listener
and leader, and these days I get to
celebrate and encourage people both
at work and in my volunteer time.
And I’m just not someone that will sit
out and wait for things to happen.
I think the more we can share our
stories with each other and the more
we can actively listen, the more we
realize we have a lot more in common
with each other than we don't.”
- JJ Nelson | Senior Associate,
Director of Brand Communications
Bergmeyer | 2023 Corporate Social Responsibility Report