2022 AIA Communities by Design Reimagining Petaluma SDAT - Report - Page 47
Petaluma DAT
Standardize Community Engagement
According to the Climate Emergency Framework, “the
Climate Emergency Resolution has elevated community
engagement on climate change to a top policy and
planning priority.” A process of democratic engagement,
focused on increasing participation of vulnerable groups
and disadvantaged communities, may lead the City of
Petaluma to a comprehensive community engagement
process, where all members of the community may
share a common sense of purpose and ownership of the
potential solutions to the climate and economic crises.
1. Strengthen democratic engagement by promoting
bottom-up citizen participation (as opposed to a
top-bottom approach driven by government), allowing
for residents of the city to first informally, and then
through a formal process of engagement, drive
community participation in the definition, design and
implementation of policy programs.
2. Enable community-based organizations and
community champions to fully represent vulnerable
groups, including disadvantaged communities and
communities by affinity, to voice their concerns,
articulate their needs and help accelerate community
wealth building.