BBC premarital counseling booklet-1 - Flipbook - Page 29
Thus, both persons must be sensitive to each other and must place the other’s
spiritual health ahead of their own desire for physical fulfillment. When in doubt,
don’t! For “whatever is not from faith is sin” (Romans 14:23). Pray alone and
together about your physical relationship. If you can’t visualize Jesus Christ
smiling at the two of you, the Holy Spirit may be urging you to pull back the
reins for the sake of your love for the Lord and for each other.
B. This does not mean that the two of you are not going to relate physically before
marriage; and it certainly does not mean that you will not want to go to bed with
each other. But, it does mean that the two of you will make Jesus Christ the Lord
of your sexual life and that you are going to wait for the green light from Him.
The Bible states that man was created in God’s own image. Read Genesis 1:27,
and list another distinct characteristic in the way God created humanity.
From the passages below, list God’s purpose in creating man distinctly male and
woman distinctly female. (Genesis 2:24)
Genesis 4:1
Proverbs 5:18-19
Compare verses 27 and 31 of Genesis 1. After creating man and woman, what did
God say?
From Genesis 2:25 how did the man and woman feel about the way God had
created them?
Read Genesis 3:6-10. How did the man and woman’s attitude change?