BBC premarital counseling booklet-1 - Flipbook - Page 24
Check any statements below which express problems on your part in
communicating with your mate-to-be.
_____ I can’t seem to find the right words to express what I want to say.
_____ I’m afraid that exposing myself will result in rejection.
_____ I’m not convinced it will help any to try to talk.
_____ I often don’t talk because I’m afraid my opinion is wrong.
_____ I’m too angry to talk.
_____ Speaking up will only make things worse.
_____ I talk too much and don’t give my mate a chance to speak.
_____ I lack good communication with God.
_____ I try to hide the truth.
_____ My speech is often defensive.
_____ I frequently bring up his or her past failures.
_____ My actions don’t match what I say.
_____ I don’t really listen.
_____ I try to repay anger with anger or insult with insult.
_____ I tease my mate too much.
Choose any of the statements you checked, and write below what steps you will take to
deal with the problem.