BBC premarital counseling booklet-1 - Flipbook - Page 22
Match the following statements with the Scriptures that teach them.
___ It’s foolish to be angry.
___ It’s no fun to live with
an argumentative person
___ Forgive one another, don’t keep
bringing up past offenses.
___ Wise reproof is valuable and
should be listened to.
a. Proverbs 17:19
b. Proverbs 21:9
c. Proverbs 25:12
d. Ecclesiastes 7:9
Read the following descriptions of five levels of communication. Place a check mark
by the description of the deepest level of communication occurring in your
relationship in a typical week.
_____ Clichés, casual conversation - (“Hi, how are you?” “Fine.”)
_____ Reporting of facts - (“The paper boy is late again.”)
_____ Ideas and judgments. (“I think every man should learn how to change a
diaper.” “I don’t agree.”)
_____ Feelings and emotions. (“I like to sit by the fireplace on a snowy, dreary
day like this.” “So do I. It makes me feel secure and warm inside.”)
_____ Open homes sharing on a deep personal level. (“I don’t think I’ve been
leading properly in our home. Could we talk about it? I’d like to know
your thoughts.” “Yes, please tell me what you’ve been thinking.”)
Write down an example of what you discussed at your deepest level.
List any area in which you think deeper communication with your mate-to-be is