2023 Annual Report - Flipbook - Page 52
Roughly one of every four mammals on earth is a bat. Consider this: if your day includes soap, toothpaste, cosme}cs,
co昀昀ee, margarine, chewing gum, candles, paper, ink, wood,
fuel, rope, twine, rubber, spices, vegetables, fruits, chocolate,
margaritas, air fresheners or even life-saving medicines, you
are not only involved with bats, you are likely dependent
upon bats. Bats are among the most beau}ful and bene昀椀cial
animals on earth. They are clean, gentle and intelligent. Bats
are vital for healthy ecosystems and enhance our lives in many ways. Fruit and nectar bats
bring us approximately 450 commercial products and 80 di昀昀erent medicines through seed
dispersal and pollina}on. Up to 98% of all rainforest re-growth comes from seeds that have
been spread by fruit bats. Insect-ea}ng bats are literal vacuum cleaners of the night skies,
ea}ng millions upon millions of harmful bugs. They protect us by ea}ng insects that destroy
crops as well as insects that cause human disease.
Yet for all they do, bats are con}nually killed due to myths, supers}}on and fear. The life expectancy of a single bat may exceed 20 years, but slow birth rates limit their popula}on
growth. When just 5 bats are needlessly killed, a poten}al 100 years of animal life is destroyed. Worldwide, almost 60% of bats are either endangered or o昀케cial candidates for
lis}ng, and they desperately need your help.
In a world where so many look away, Bat World Sanctuary is on the front line to end the
abuse and destruc}on of bats. We have been recognized as the world leader in bat rehabilita}on for nearly two decades. Each year we rescue thousands of bats that might otherwise die.
Life}me sanctuary is given to non-releasable bats, including those that are orphaned, injured,
con昀椀scated from the illegal pet trade and re}red from zoos and research facili}es. You can
help us save bats by educa}ng others about their plight, and by dona}ng to Bat World Sanctuary.
Bat World Sanctuary was founded in 1994 and is a 501(c)3 non-pro昀椀t, accredited organiza}on. Dona}ons allow us to con}nue our rescue e昀昀orts for bats.
Bats are now in their 11th hour. We can save them, but we cannot do it without your help.
Bat World Sanctuary is not state or federally funded, our funds come from caring people like
you. Please join us in our e昀昀orts to save bats by making a dona}on and becoming a member
of Bat World today.
BATWORLD.ORG o昀昀ers free educa}onal materials, videos, kid9s games and
rescue informa}on. You can even sponsor a bat in need through our Adopt-aBat program. Sponsors receive educa}onal materials and BAT WORLD, our conserva}on magazine that includes beau}ful photos of rescued bats. You can also
receive an online membership to Night Flight News, our e-newsle琀琀er, by simply
making a dona}on of any size through batworld.org.