The Baltimore Sun | Sunday, November 10, 2024Brace Yourself for aSmile of a LifetimeStephen L. GodwinDMD, DMSc610 South Main Street, Bel Air, MD410-838-2244 •• Free Initial Exam• Individualized Care• Friendly Caring Staff• Flexible No-Interest Financing• Braces for Children and Adults• Most Insurance Plans AcceptedWE WANT TOHEAR FROM YOU!What are readers’ favorite places, people and things in Harford County?This year’s Baltimore Sun Best of Harford poll covers roughly80 categories and determines winners by popular vote.Accepting nominations through October 24th.Vote for your favorites November 11-27th.Results will be published early 2025 - stay tuned!THANKYbaltimoresun.comUVOTING IS NOW LIVE!For voting us theVOTEBEST Bakery!November 11 through November 27Newberry Café & BakerySCAN140 North Bond Street, Bel Air, MD 21014443.787.4070Scan the QR codeto access the ballot. itscold outside,Help your housestay warm!We service and repair most brandsof garage doors and openers.2502 Greene Road, Baldwin, Maryland 21013(410) 557-8700 | www.carlsdoorservice.comLocally Owned • Family OperatedMHIC # 60469
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