2The Baltimore Sun | Sunday, November 10, 2024HARFORD BEST RESTAURANTS 2024Newberry Cafe and Bakery’s butter cream treat. LLOYD FOX/STAFFHERE’S THE WINNERS OFHARFORD’S BEST RESTAURANTS 2024Looking for a date night spot or a neighborhood hang for the game? The Baltimore Sun has you covered.More than 51,700 ballots were cast in 43 categories during this year’s contest — demonstrating that Harford County is a dining destination.Based on reader votes, here are the 2024 Best Restaurants of Harford County winners and honorable mentions:Editor’s note: Winners and honorable mentions were determined by popular vote. Readers were invited to nominate and vote online from July to September.The results are generated solely by readers’ votes. The Baltimore Sun does not take responsibility for the services offered or advertised by those listed.AMBIENCELUNCH MENUSERVICEONE ELEVEN MAINPAPPAS RESTAURANT &SPORTS BARPAPPAS RESTAURANT &SPORTS BARHonorable mentions Vagabond Sandwich Co. Das Bierhalle The Hickory LodgeHonorable mentions Das Bierhalle Double Groove Brewing Co. The LocalCHOPSTIXNEW RESTAURANTSPORTS BARHonorable mentions Uncle’s Hawaiian Grindz Lemon and Ginger Fuji SushiLATITUDE SEAFOOD CO.LOONEY’S PUBHonorable mentions Sol Oaxaca The Grazing Room at Boards byDana Akira Ramen & IzakayaHonorable mentions Pappas Restaurant & Sports Bar Das Bierhalle Sean Bolan’s Irish PubHonorable mentions Pappas Restaurant & Sports Bar Mucho Gusto Bacco Italian + Wine BarASIANBAKERYNEWBERRY CAFEHonorable mentions Flavor Cupcakery & Bake Shop Woodlea Bakery Yia Yia’s BakeryBAR FOODDAS BIERHALLEHonorable mentions Pappas Restaurant & Sports Bar Sean Bolan’s Irish Pub Looney’sSTEAKChef Zack Trabbold will open a third location of his farm-to-tablerestaurant, The Local. BALTIMORE SUN FILECHEFFROZEN TREATSZACK TRABBOLD, THELOCALBROOM’S BLOOM DAIRYHonorable mentions Juan Portillo, Pappas Restaurant& Sports Bar Brian Boessel, One Eleven Main Steve Braun, Sean Bolan’sMISSION BBQCOCKTAILHonorable mentions Old Line Grill Fast Eddies Chaps Pit BeefPAPPAS RESTAURANT &SPORTS BAR AND THELOCAL (TIE)BARTENDERHonorable mentions Mucho Gusto One Eleven MainKARI BURNS, DASBIERHALLECOFFEECOFFEE COFFEEHonorable mentions Concord Point Coffee Dunkin Donuts CoffeeBar (tie) Wawa (tie)CRAB CAKEDAS BIERHALLEPAPPAS RESTAURANT &SPORTS BARHonorable mentions Independent Brewery Co. Pappas Restaurant & Sports Bar Hopkins Farm BreweryHonorable mentions Box Hill Pizzeria & Crab Cakes Conrad’s Crabs Water Street SeafoodBREAKFAST/BRUNCHDELISUNNY DAY CAFEVAGABOND SANDWICHCO.BEER LISTHonorable mentions Bagel Works Pappas Restaurant & Sports Bar Das BierhalleBREWERYHonorable mentions Savona – Fine Italian Foods andWine Sam’s Deli Jarrettville Creamery and DeliINDEPENDENT BREWINGHonorable mentions Hopkins Farm Brewery Slate Farm Brewery Double Groove Brewing Co.BURGERDESSERTBROOM’S BLOOM DAIRYHonorable mentions Flavor Cupcakery & Bake Shop Pappas Restaurant & Sports Bar Jarrettsville CreameryABBEY BURGERHonorable mentions Vagabond Sandwich Co. Pappas Restaurant & Sports Bar Das BierhalleHAPPY HOURDAS BIERHALLEBARBECUEHonorable mentions Tracy McCoy-Soper, AbbeyBurger Patrick Lynch, Pappas Restaurant& Sports Bar Sloane Dela Cruz, PappasRestaurant & Sports BarHonorable mentions Jarrettsville Creamery Bomboy’s Homemade Ice Cream Arctic CircleFINE DININGONE ELEVEN MAINHonorable mentions The Local Pairings Bistro Bacco Italian + Wine BarHonorable mentions Pappas Restaurant & Sports Bar Looney’s Pub Sean Bolan’s Irish PubOUTDOOR DININGTEXAS ROADHOUSEPAPPAS RESTAURANT &SPORTS BARHonorable mentions Pappas Restaurant & Sports Bar One Eleven Main The LocalHonorable mentions Tidewater Grille The Island at Flying Point Marina Das BierhalleCONRAD’S CRABSOVERALLPAPPAS RESTAURANT &SPORTS BARHonorable mentions Das Bierhalle Mucho Gusto The LocalPIZZALOVE CRUST PIZZAHEALTHFUL MENUHEALTHY VIBESHonorable mentions HoneyGrow Uncle’s Hawaiian Grindz SaladworksITALIANBACCO ITALIAN + WINEBARHonorable mentions Enotria Restaurant Pappas Restaurant & SportsBar - Bel Air Olive TreeHonorable mentions Bacco Pizzeria Buontempo Brothers Pizza Italian SensationPAPPAS RESTAURANT &SPORTS BARHonorable mentions Looney’s Pub Das Bierhalle MaGerks Pub & GrillLATINPAPPAS RESTAURANT &SPORTS BARHonorable mentions Vagabond Sandwich Co. Box Hill Pizzareia Tutto FrescoPAPPAS RESTAURANT &SPORTS BARPAPPAS RESTAURANT &SPORTS BARHonorable mentions Das Bierhalle Mamie’s Cafe La ToltecaHonorable mentions Independent Brewing Co. Das Bierhalle Double Groove Brewing Co.PLACE TO TAKE THE KIDSHonorable mentions Pappas Restaurant & Sports Bar Vagabond Sandwich Co. Conrad’s CrabsVEGETARIAN OPTIONSPAPPAS RESTAURANT &SPORTS BARHonorable mentions Uncle’s Hawaiian Grindz Fuji Sushi Indian GardenVIEWSEAFOODTIDEWATER GRILLEPAPPAS RESTAURANT &SPORTS BARHonorable mentions Mountain Branch Broom’s Bloom Dairy The Promenade GrilleHonorable mentions Mucho Gusto Plaza Mexico Sol Oaxaca Cocina ModernaLIVE ENTERTAINMENTSERVERLOONEY’S PUBDOUG HITCHCOCK, DASBIERHALLEHonorable mentions Independent Brewing Co. Hopkins Farm Brewery Fallston Barrel HouseTAKEOUTVALUEHonorable mentions Conrad’s Seafood RestaurantsMarkets Richard’s Fish & Crabs-TheSeafood Stop Water Street SeafoodLA TOLTECAHonorable mentions Richard’s Fish & Crabs-TheSeafood Stop Madonna Seafood Water Street SeafoodPLACE TO TAKE OUT-OFTOWNERSBROOM’S BLOOM DAIRYLATE-NIGHT DININGSTEAMED CRABSHonorable mentions Molly Patrick, Das Bierhalle Jeremy Markel, PappasRestaurant & Sports Bar Regan Reisinger, Fallston BarrelHouseWINE LISTTHE VINEYARD WINE BARHonorable mentions Pappas Restaurant & Sports Bar Bacco Italian + Wine Bar Pairings BistroBLACK-OWNED RESTAURANTHonorable mention Maison Intimate Catering
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