10-26-2023 Howard - Flipbook - Page 27
Dan Notari,
St. John’s Lane Elementary School
St. John’s Lane Elementary School, 2960 St. Johns Lane,
Ellicott City.sjles.hcpss.org
For Dan Notari, being principal means being present — sometimes in all things and at all times.
The St. John’s Lane Elementary School principal keeps his finger
on the pulse of the school community, including students, teachers
and families.
“I’m not shy to go down the slide. I’m not shy to be at the bus or
the car loop, lunch recess or in classrooms,” Notari, 48, said. “I think
my families know that I’m a pretty accessible guy.”
About 25 years ago, Notari moved from Scranton, Pennsylvania, to take a job teaching fifth grade at Stevens Forest Elementary
School in Columbia. He soon became a team leader and was motivated to make a difference beyond his classroom. He is now in his
fifth year as principal.
“The biggest thing is always going to be relationships and being
connected to all aspects of this work … and connected to our kids,”
said Notari. He and his wife Laurie have two teenage sons, Luke
and Drew.
“I frame a lot of my day around culture, structure and instruction,” he said. “And we’re gonna make a difference in all three of
those buckets every single day for my community.”
Dan Notari, principal of St John’s Lane Elementary School, was voted Best
howardmagazine.com | Fall 2023 |