Worry LessSMILE MOREFACIAL PARALYSISQ&ALearn about your options for treatingBell’s palsy and other facial nerve disordersAsk the Expert:Kalpesh Vakharia, MD, MSAssociate Professor andChief of Facial Plastic &Reconstructive SurgeryQ: What is facial paralysis?A: A loss of facial movement that canoccur after damage to the facial nerveor facial muscles. Your face will appeardroopy due to the weakness or completeloss of muscle function. This can happensuddenly or gradually on one or bothsides, and depending on the cause, thelength of paralysis varies.Q: What can cause facial paralysis?A: Stroke, neurologic disorders, facialtrauma, tumors, surgery, congenitaldisorders, and inflammatory conditionssuch as Herpes Simplex, Varicella Zoster,or Lyme disease.(Actual Patient)FACIAL PARALYSIS TREATMENTQ: When should patients seek asecond opinion?A: As early as possible. Depending on thecause of facial paralysis, some treatmentoptions are time sensitive and the patientshould be referred to an otolaryngologistright away.Q: How is facial paralysis treated?A: The treatments offered to each patientdepend on their age, the underlying cause,and duration of paralysis. I implementmedication and/or surgery as needed, aswell as a combination of Botox and facialfillers. I often refer patients to a facialparalysis physical therapist as well whosespecialty techniques complement mytreatments.Appointments & Information: Call 667-214-1772 oremail medspa@som.umaryland.edu.Locations: Columbia & Downtown BaltimoreBeforeAfterumfpi.org/fps
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