10-15-2023 Women to Watch - Flipbook - Page 47
Ask your
Saint Agnes
Q: Describe Ascension Saint
Q:What are the advantages
We also offer scheduled or
Agnes’ approach to treating
of such a comprehensive
walk-in mammograms at
Breast cancer.
approach for patients?
two convenient locations:
the Ascension Saint Agnes
Dr. Kristen Fernandez,
A:The Ascension Saint Agnes Breast
A:This approach enables
Breast Center and Saint
Center understands breast cancer
Ascension Saint Agnes to offer
Agnes Medical
isn’t just a disease. It’s an illness that
patients state-of-the-art breast
Group – Catonsville.
changes the lives of you and your
care, participation in clinical
family.That’s why we are dedicated
trials, comprehensive support,
The Breast Center at the
to caring that focuses on the
and breast health education to
new Ascension Saint Agnes
complete picture of your health.
help patients stay ahead in the
Health Center in Columbia.
fight against breast disease.We
We are excited to open our
Q:What sets the Ascension
know a breast cancer diagnosis
new Columbia office in the
Saint Agnes Breast Center
is overwhelming, so our team
Ascension Saint Agnes Health
works tirelessly to provide one-
Center.The 62,000-square-foot
on-one time with you, answering
Health Center will also offer
A:We understand the needs of our
questions and discussing your
diagnostic imaging, including
patients and the ease of offering
specific options.
3D mammography, lab services,
Breast Surgeon
Surgical Director,
Ascension Saint Agnes
Breast Center
everything under one roof. From
OB-GYN care, primary care,
3-D mammography to diagnosis to
You can take comfort in
cardiology, and various surgical
treatment,Ascension Saint Agnes
knowing that one team will
services.The Health Center
provides a multidisciplinary team
work with you, review your plan
is located at 6740 Alexander
approach to breast disease.
and ensure the most effective
Graham Bell Drive,
and personalized treatment plan
Columbia, MD.
Q:Who is part of the
is shared with you.That team is
multidisciplinary team?
with you from beginning to end,
regardless of the type of case.
A:The breast health team brings
together physicians from six
Schedule an
specialties: diagnostic imaging,
appointment with any
pathology, breast surgery,
of our surgeons or
reconstructive surgery, radiation
schedule your annual
oncology, and medical oncology, as
3-D mammogram by
well as nurses, technicians, social
calling 667-234-3434
workers, research nurses, nurse
or visiting
navigators, and financial advisors.
WOMEN TO WATCH | 2023 | 47