06-11-2023 HOF - Flipbook - Page 4
4 Baltimore Sun Media | Sunday, June 11, 2023
The Baltimore Sun’s Business
and Civic Hall of Fame enters its
eighth year by adding 14 leaders who have made significant
contributions to improving
Baltimore and Maryland. Since
its inception in 2016, we have
inducted 98 individuals into our
Hall of Fame. These members
are recognized for their achievements in business, philanthropy,
media, public service, education
and more.
Published for the first time
in 1837, The Sun has as its core
mission to hold institutions,
leaders and decision-makers accountable while seeking
solutions to the region’s challenges. We also acknowledge our
responsibility to recognize the
accomplishments of outstanding individuals in our communities and to highlight their stories. We do that in part through annual
publications such as the Hall of Fame, Baltimore’s
Best (July), Women to Watch (October) and Top
Workplaces (December).
Three years ago, we unveiled the permanent
Hall of Fame installation in collaboration with the
Center Club in downtown Baltimore. We invite
you to visit this display sometime soon. It honors
our past honorees, and we expand it with each new
class of inductees annually.
Members of the first seven Hall of Fame classes
include former U.S. Rep. Helen Delich Bentley
(2016); developer and H&S Bakery founder John
Paterakis Sr. (’16); philanthropists Eddie and
Sylvia Brown (’16); former U.S. Sen. Barbara
Mikulski (’17); Harbor Bank of Maryland
co-founder Joseph Haskins
(’18); former Baltimore Mayor
and current University of
Baltimore President Kurt L.
Schmoke (’19); former UMBC
President Dr. Freeman A.
Hrabowski III (’20), the Rev.
Dr. Alvin C. Hathaway Sr.
(’21); and former journalist and
museum director Wanda Q.
Draper (’22).
This year’s class is made up
of: Leonard “Lennie” Attman,
an accomplished business and
community leader; Patricia and
Michael Batza, business leaders and philanthropists; the Rev.
Dr. John Richard Bryant, a
bishop who has pastored three
churches; Mary Catherine
Bunting, a retired nurse practitioner, former nun and philanthropist; Richard W. “Dick” Cass, retired Ravens
president; Dr. Kevin J. Cullen, retiring director
of the University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center;
Robert K. “Bob” Gehman, recently retired president of the Helping Up Mission; Dr. Leslie King
Hammond, artist, author, curator and scholar;
Anthony T. “Tony” Hawkins, Harborplace’s first
general manager; Sherrilyn Ifill, president emerita and director counsel emerita of the NAACP
Legal Defense Fund; Sheela Murthy, founder of
the Murthy Law Firm, which specializes in immigration; Timothy J. “Tim” Regan, Whiting-Turner
president and CEO working personally to develop
a community hub at Mondawmin Mall; and Terry
Meyerhoff Rubenstein, philanthropist, real estate
developer and former journalist.
The selection process for the class of 2023
involved soliciting nominations from our readers
and assembling a selection committee composed of
past Hall of Fame inductees. This diverse group of
individuals played an instrumental role in identifying potential candidates. The selection committee
worked closely with our editorial board to evaluate each nominee’s accomplishments, including
their business success, leadership, influence in
building organizations, support for various causes,
and contributions in propelling Maryland and the
Baltimore region forward. Ultimately, the final decisions were made by members of the editorial board,
which I oversee.
As has been the practice in the past, a portion of
the proceeds from this Hall of Fame publication will
be donated to charity; this year’s partnership is with
the Roca anti-violence program, which is working
to disrupt incarceration, poverty and racism. We
thank our sponsors, whose advertising can be found
throughout this publication and at baltimoresun.
We also would like to thank each of the 2023 Hall
of Fame inductees, whose profiles appear throughout the pages of this section, for their leadership
and commitment to Baltimore and Maryland. We
hope that their stories will serve as an example and
inspiration to others.
Baltimore Sun Media has long dedicated itself to
leadership in journalism, business and debate. The
Sun’s Hall of Fame recognizes Maryland’s modernday leaders who have helped to set a standard for
future generations and chronicles the lives of these
extraordinary women and men whose achievements define our city and region.
Congratulations to the class of 2023.
— Trif Alatzas
Publisher and editor-in-chief
Page 20
Mary Catherine Bunting
Page 40
Anthony T.“Tony”Hawkins
Page 6
Selection committee
Page 24
Richard W.“Dick”Cass
Page 44
Sherrilyn Ifill
Page 8
Page 30
Kevin J. Cullen
Page 46
Sheela Murthy
Page 12
Michael and Patricia Batza
Page 34
Robert K.“Bob”Gehman
Page 48
Timothy J.“Tim”Regan
Page 16
John Richard Bryant
Page 36
Leslie King Hammond
Page 52
Terry Meyerhoff Rubenstein