05-19-2024 Family Caregiver - Flipbook - Page 22
The PACT Act is a federal law that expands VA
bene昀椀ts for veterans exposed to burnpits, Agent
Orange and other toxic chemicals. The law was
enacted on August 10, 2022.
The VA determined that Veterans who served in
the following areas and time periods were exposed
to burnpits. Those who served on or after August
2, 1990 in any of the following locations: Bahrain,
Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arbia, Somalia,
UAE or the airspace above these locations. Those
who served on or after September 11, 2001 in any
of the following locations: Afghanistan, Djibouti,
Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Uzbekistan, Yemen
or the airspace above these locations. There are
two categories of health conditions presumptive
to this service: cancer and respiratory illnesses.
The cancers include brain, gastrointestinal,
glioblastoma, head, kidney, lymphatic, lymphoma,
melanoma, neck, pancreatic, reproductive and
respiratory. The respiratory illnesses included
are asthma diagnosed after service, chronic
bronchitis, COPD, chronic rhinitis, chronic
sinusitis, constrictive or obliterative bronchiolitis,
emphysema, granulomatous disease, interstitial
lung disease (ILD), pleuritis, pulmonary 昀椀brosis
and sarcoidosis. Any veteran who 昀椀ts both the
location requirement and has a medical diagnosis
of one of the above conditions should 昀椀le a
compensation claim with the VA.
In addition, the PACT Act expands the geographical
reach of presumed agent orange exposure to
Thailand, Laos, Guam or American Samoa (or
territorial waters) and the Johnston Atoll or on a
ship that called at Johnston Atoll. Two presumptive
conditions for Agent Orange exposed veterans
were added: hypertension and MGUS (monoclonal
gammopathy of undetermined signi昀椀cance).
New radiation presumptive locations are now
in e昀昀ect as follows: cleanup of Enewetak Atoll
(1/1/1977 – 12/31/1980); Palomares, Spain
(1/21/1968 – 9/25/1968).
If you are a veteran covered under the PACT Act
and you were denied one of the now-covered
medical conditions, you can 昀椀le a supplemental
claim. Also, if you are the widow of a veteran
who passed away of a PACT Act condition, and
it is listed on the veteran’s death certi昀椀cate as a
primary or secondary cause of death, you may 昀椀le
a DIC (Dependency and Indemnity Compensation)
claim and a request for burial bene昀椀ts.
Finally, as of March 5, 2024, three new cohorts of
Veterans, who served on active duty, are eligible
for VA health care:
• Veterans who participated in a toxic exposure risk
activity (TERA).
• Veterans who served at a duty station (including
airspace above) in the areas listed above during
the Gulf War and post 9/11 periods.
• Veterans who deployed in support of Operation
Enduring Freedom, Operation Freedom’s Sentinel,
Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation New Dawn,
Operation Inherent Resolve, or Resolute Support
For assistance with any PACT Act issues, please
contact the Carroll County Bureau of Aging,
Veterans Services Program.
2024 – 2025 Carroll County Bureau of Aging & Disabilities Resource Guide