2024 Gartner-AWESOME Women in Supply Chain Report - Flipbook - Page 4
AWESOME Above-and-Beyond Partners
AWESOME A-List Alliance
As an A-List Alliance Partner, your organization will demonstrate that you
share AWESOME’s commitment to our mission and work as we strengthen
our community, create opportunities, address challenges, and extend our
impact throughout the supply chain, the business community, and beyond.
We are excited to bring six levels of support within this category, each with
their own unique benefits.
AWESOME Above-and-Beyond Partners
AWESOME Achievers
AWESOME Accelerators
AWESOME Activators
ALL Award Amplifiers
AWESOME Advocates
Collaborate with AWESOME on a uniquely deisgned
private program for your organization
Participation in annual Best Practice Sessions
Permanent banner on homepage of AWESOME website
Two pages in Partners Section of AWESOME website
and logo displayed weekly in AWESOME Alert
Feature article on AWESOME website
Highlighted in news release
Special branded symbol for use in partner’s
End-of-the-year cocktail event with other industry leaders
AWESOME Achievers
Participation in annual Best Practice Sessions
Two pages in Partners Section of AWESOME website and
logo displayed monthly in AWESOME Alert
Feature article on AWESOME website
Highlighted in news release
Special branded symbol for use in partner’s
End-of-the-year cocktail event with other industry leaders
AWESOME Accelerators
Participation in annual Best Practice Sessions
Two pages in Partners Section of AWESOME website and
logo displayed every two months in AWESOME Alert
Highlighted in news release
Special branded symbol for use in partner’s communications
End-of-the-year cocktail event with other industry leaders
AWESOME Activators
One page in Partners Section of AWESOME website and logo
displayed every two months in AWESOME Alert
Special branded symbol for use in partner’s communications
ALL Award Amplifiers - Limited
Recognition in communications about ALL Award
Half page in Partners Section of AWESOME website and logo
displayed quarterly in AWESOME Alert
AWESOME Advocates
Logo displayed in partners section of AWESOME website and quarterly in