November/December Issue 59 - Flipbook - Page 8
Following representation from
AVRO members, on the 5th
February 2021 we wrote to both
the UK and ROI Governments
regarding the prioritisation of
COVID-19 vaccinations and
requested that roadside recovery
operators be considered within
any prioritisation planning for
vaccinations due to the vital
service they provide.
AVRO wrote: As you will know, the
24hr roadside recovery industry is
one that plays a vital part in not only
keeping the roads of the UK clear
and safe for all but provides a vital
service to members of the public
as well as local authorities, Police,
Fire and Ambulance services to
name a few. Our industry is one
that has risen to the challenge this
pandemic has presented and has
played its part as a critical service
and key works.
We appreciate that many groups of
individuals need to be prioritized for
vaccinations, such as HM Forces,
Emergency Services and of course
those involved in the provision of
health and human services.
With that we would highlight to you
the status of the roadside recovery
industry in the critical service it
provides and indeed in its unofficial
capacity as the 4th emergency
service that our industry must
be included in any vaccination
Our members operating and
assisting members of the public are
on the front line and are exposed to
COVID-19 daily. They take heed to
all guidance and regulation, but the
work of our industry is re-active, and
each individual situation presents
a chain of events that must be
managed – the work and service
required of our members is not one
that can be easily diminished.
We were extremely pleased
to receive a reply on the 10th
February from the Rt Hon Grant
Shapps MP, Secretary of State for
Transport who replied:
From the Secretary of State
The Rt. Hon. Grant Shapps
Great Minster House
33 Horseferry Road
Stephen Smith
AVRO Ltd, AVRO House
1 Bath Street, Rugby
CV21 3JF
Dear Mr Smith,
Tel: 0300 330 3000
Web site:
Our Ref: MC/328454
10 February 2021
Thank you for your email of 5 February about COVID-19 Vaccinations for
Roadside Recovery Operators.
you recognise the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation
As you recognise the Joint As(JCVI)
advised that Phase 1 of the vaccination programme should target care
home residents and staff, followed by people over 80 and health and social
workers, then other people in order of age and risk. This prioritisation
Committee on Vaccination and care
captures almost all preventable deaths from COVID-19, including those
Immunisation (JCVI) advised associated with occupational exposure to infection.
Prioritisation decisions are based on an individual’s risk of being severely
by the virus, not their likelihood of spreading it, and on the
that Phase 1 of the vaccination affected
maintenance of health and social care systems.
programme should target care Asthesuch,
the JCVI does not advise further prioritisation by occupation during
first phase of the programme but the JCVI have recommended that
of those at increased risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 due to
home residents and staff, followed vaccination
their occupation should be a priority in the next phase, including transport
workers. The Department for Transport recognises the critical role that
workers, including roadside assistance, have played and continue
by people over 80 and health transport
to play in keeping Britain moving.
and social care workers, then We are working with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) to
explore the evidence for prioritising workers in the transport sector in Phase
we are unable to anticipate the outcomes of these decisions
other people in order of age and 2.or Atwhenthisthepointrollout
of Phase 2 may begin.
risk. This prioritisation captures Yours sincerely,
almost all preventable deaths
Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP
from COVID-19, including those
exposure to infection.
decisions or when the rollout of
Phase 2 may begin.
Prioritisation decisions are based Although this does not provide a
on an individual’s risk of being guarantee that roadside recovery
severely affected by the virus, not operators will be included at
their likelihood of spreading it, and this stage, it does at least give
on the maintenance of health and confidence that the vital role and
social care systems.
services the roadside recovery
As such, the JCVI does not advise considered and factored into any
further prioritisation by occupation review of prioritisation of COVID-19
during the first phase of the vaccination.
programme but the JCVI have
recommended that vaccination of Judging
those at increased risk of exposure announcements,
to SARS-CoV-2 due to their Government is now aiming to offer
occupation should be a priority in a vaccine to all adults by 31st July
the next phase, including transport it may well be that the approach is
workers. The Department for now not to identify groups but aim
Transport recognises the critical to vaccinate all, whichever way is
role that transport workers, chosen we can take the positives
including roadside assistance, from this that firstly our industry has
have played and continue to play been recognised in this process
in keeping Britain moving.
and that all being well, all will be
vaccinated by 31st July 2021.
We are working with the
Department of Health and Social At this time, our communication
Care (DHSC) to explore the with the ROI Government has
evidence for prioritising workers been acknowledged and we await
in the transport sector in Phase their response.
2. At this point we are unable to
anticipate the outcomes of these