AVK sustainability report 2023 with links A4 - Flipbook - Page 50
In the AVK Group, innovation, and development of new and
improved high-quality products with a long lifespan and
recycling in mind, play a crucial part. At the same time, our
foundation is to act responsibly towards both employees,
the environment, and the society around us.
Below is a summary of planned activities and
efforts we have set out for the coming years.
Our environmental and climate effort
During the coming years, we will implement
processes and activities that arise from
our environmental and climate strategy.
We will ensure minimal environmental and
energy consumption by means of life cycle
assessments and make it a core criterion in the
design and production process. We will also
increase the number of companies certified
according to ISO 50001 and reduce our energy
consumption through targeted investments in
energy saving solutions.
Planned activities in the coming years to reduce
our environmental and energy impact include
the following:
• Implementation of measurements of the
number of EPDs
• We will increase the share of companies
certified in the ISO 50001 Energy
Management System
• Implement a company car policy, which
means that all company cars that use fossil
fuels will be phased out by 2030
• We will install solar panels on additional
factory buildings
• Work on reducing water consumption
50 | AVK Sustainability report 2022/2023
• We will define and calculate selected
significant Scope 3 emissions based on a
materiality analysis
• Further implementation of the ISO 14001
environmental management system in
Likewise, we will continue to work on identifying
methods to reuse and recycle materials in our
factories. We will also join and continue existing
partnerships that can ensure that we receive
enough recycled materials, including recycled
plastics and metals, for production.
To reduce energy consumption, we will conduct
energy audits and update to LED lighting, as
well as implement programmable lighting and
thermostats. At the same time, we will ensure
positive communication with our employees,
our customers, and other stakeholders, to
achieve the support and commitment needed
to succeed.
Our social responsibility
As an global Group, we take our social
responsibility seriously. This means that we
provide attractive jobs and want to create the
best framework for employee development and
Minimising the number of occupational
accidents and ensuring the health and wellbeing of employees remains a high priority for
us. To reach this goal, we will intensify our
work with health and safety further during
2023/24 and in the following years. We expect
to implement the internationally recognised
working environment standard ISO 45000
in several of our companies. In addition,
we work to maintain and improve safety
behaviour through continuous focus on internal
communication, training and visibility around
safety and improvements.
AVK wants to continue to be an attractive
workplace and create the best framework
for employees’ development and well-being.
The newly established AVK Group People &
Leadership function will help set the direction
for how we conduct good management in
the AVK Group and work strategically with
processes for succession planning, leadership
development, talent management and
recruitment. We are aware of our responsibility
to make AVK more attractive to women
and to increase the proportion of women in
management. Therefore, we will focus on
diversity in our work with succession planning.
In addition to continuing to actively ensure that
our suppliers act respectfully and in accordance
with our ethics and human rights policy, we will
develop a Code of Conduct for employees and
train our employees on human rights policies
and procedures.