AVK sustainability report 2023 with links A4 - Flipbook - Page 38
Our employees are a priceless resource. As
we work with innovative solutions and complex
products for many different types of customers,
and very often in both an international and
regulated context, it places great demands on
our overall competencies. This requires close
collaboration throughout the organisation and
continuous development of employees, both
professionally and personally. A continued high
level of commitment, well-being and continuous
education and training is therefore crucial to us.
Since we want to focus further on the
development of our employees, we have
established a People & Leadership function in
AVK Holding A/S in 2023. This function will set
the direction in the field through several global
initiatives. One of the initiatives is the launch of
“The AVK Way of Leadership” which, in addition
to focusing on our five core values, also lists
several leadership principles. These principles
will guide how we practice good leadership in
the AVK Group. “The AVK Way of Leadership”
will form the basis for our future work with
succession planning, leadership development,
talent management, recruitment and much
Occupational health and
Safety at the workplace has always been a high
priority in AVK, and we are committed to taking
good care of our employees. This is achieved
by implementing relevant safety processes and
necessary safety equipment at and around the
Management systems and working
environment organisations
In our 39 largest production companies, the
internationally recognised occupational health
and safety standard ISO 45001 has been
implemented to ensure and improve employee
health and safety. The purpose is to support
our systematic work with a good working
environment and ensure continuous evaluation
and improvement. The number of ISO 45001 in
management of occupational health and safety
has increased this year from 27 to 31.
Lost Time Injury (LTI) is an injury
sustained by an employee that results
in loss of productive work in the form of
absenteeism or tardiness (> 8 hours of
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)
is the number of LTIs that occur in a
workplace per one million hours worked.
An LTIFR of 7 shows that there have been
seven cases of lost time due to injury in
a workplace for every one-million hours
Safety First delivers impressive results
After a thorough analysis and targeted
improvement efforts during the year, we
managed to reduce the number of accidents
in this company by 66%. The company now
has an accident rate that is more in line with
the rest of our companies.
Local working environment organisations
perform evaluations and improvement
throughout the AVK Group, at both office and
production facilities to maintain attention to
security and reduce the number of accidents.
Safety First
Several AVK companies work within the process
industry or with degrees of manual labour, and
these are cases where attention to workplace
health and safety is particularly important. The
processes are not considered high risk, but
accidents can occur. Therefore, Safety First is a
priority at AVK.
Through various initiatives, we want to maintain
and improve security behaviour among our
managers and employees. Our goal is to ensure
that no one takes unnecessary risks and that
everyone reports Unsafe Condition/Unsafe
Act and Near-Miss accidents, which actively
contributes to accident prevention.
Some of our latest initiatives are Safety Walks
that focus on communication, training and
visibility of safety and improvements.
It is an important parameter to learn from
previous accidents and we use SQDIPP boards
(Safety, Quality, Delivery, Inventory, Productivity
and People) in the ongoing follow-up.
In 2022/23, AVK Holding has worked
intensively with a few selected companies to
reduce the number of accidents. A company
from the Industry unit had a high accident
rate in the previous financial year.
The ISO 45001 occupational health and
safety management system ensures, through
established procedures and processes, that our
management remains focused on minimising
occupational accidents and their negative
consequences. This happens through ongoing
analysis and the establishment of action plans
on security as well as ongoing improvement
Workshops and employee involvement have
been key elements of this effort. In a series
of workshops with an organisational mix
of employees, we have focused on better
identification and increased reporting of
Unsafe Condition/Unsafe Act and Near-Miss.
This has and will encourage to increased
preventative actions based on employee
reporting and gives us great confidence that
we can further reduce the accident rate in
this organisation.
Working accidents
Despite the increased focus and several
initiatives, AVK’s global number of accidents
for the current year remains unchanged. As
Safety performance
Number of accidents per 1 million working hours
Figure 6
38 | AVK Sustainability report 2022/2023
This method is an important tool in our
work to reduce workplace accidents and
is typically used in AVK companies with an
accident rate that exceeds our target of a
maximum of 3 per year by 2030.