AVK CSR 2023-24 web - Flipbook - Page 48
and others. These are reported together in CO2
equivalents (CO2e ).
Scope 1 covers all direct emissions. These are
greenhouse gas emissions associated with the
burning of fossil fuels such as gas, diesel or the
like. The figures are calculated based on data
from purchases and consumption.
Consumption figures are calculated by
multiplying usage data with the relevant
emission factors. Company cars are included in
Scope 1 emissions if they are owned or leased.
The companies directly collect fuel consumption
For hybrid and electric vehicles, electricity
consumption is collected and multiplied by the
emission factors for the country where the car
is registered. This is then included in Scope 2
This is not yet reported as a separate entry but
will be implemented starting with the 2024/25
financial statements. Registered electric
vehicles are only 100% electric vehicles.
Scope 2 covers indirect emissions from the
consumption of electricity, district heating, or
cooling purchased from external providers.
Consumption data from companies is collected
from energy bills or meters to calculate energy
48 | AVK Sustainability report 2023/2024
Reporting follows both location-based and
market-based CO2e accounting methods.
Location-based calculations are based on
emission factors from the IEA and marketbased on other sources both in compliance with
the GHG Protocol. The location-based method
reflects the emissions intensity of the electricity
grid where we operate, while the marketbased method accounts for the emissions from
the energy contracts we purchase, including
renewable energy.
Energy consumption
Energy consumption data is collected locally
from all our companies through the monthly
financial reporting which is based on globally
defined specifications and definitions. Both
direct and indirect energy consumption is
reported as well as the amount of energy from
renewable and non-renewable sources.
Share of renewable energy
To classify electricity as sourced from
renewables, appropriate certificates are
required to verify an emission factor of 0 for
the specific electricity consumption. Renewable
energy sources include wind, solar, nuclear
power, biogas, or green hydrogen.
Emission and Energy intensity
The emission intensity is the total
greenhouse gas emissions in tonnes of CO2e
(scope 1 and scope 2) divided by the total
turnover in DKKm.
Energy intensity is a measure of energy
expenditure in relation to a measure of activity.
Energy intensity per turnover is defined as the
total energy consumption in MWh or M3 divided
by the turnover in DKKm.
Water consumption
Water consumption data is collected locally
from all our companies through the monthly
financial reporting which is based on global
described specifications and definitions. Water
consumption is collected via local meter reading
and invoices.
Environmental Product Declarations
EPDs are prepared locally in accordance
with international standards such as 14025/
The scope of the EPD includes the full product
life cycle or specified life cycle stages (e.g.,
cradle-to-grave, cradle-to-gate). The data
is collected directly from the manufacturing
process, including energy consumption,
material usage, and emissions.
The EPD is independently verified by a qualified
third party to ensure compliance with applicable
standards and accuracy of the declared data.
The EPD includes a validity period (typically five
years) and can be subject to revision if there are
significant changes to the product or processes.