METO-Catalogue-2018 - Flipbook - Page 140
TURN-O-MATIC classic
Customers remember good service
Have you ever wondered why customers return to the same places,
even though they may offer the same products at a higher price?
The answer is Customer Service !
Using TURN-O-MATIC® means that customers will be served
in the right order but can walk around while they are waiting.
When customers are taking a number from a queing system
they feel more fairly treated and they get the feeling that
service is more efficient. Giving them the freedom to move
makes them feel less stressed and at the same
time they tend to buy more.
TURN-O-MATIC is not only an advantage
to your customers. Your staff as well will
benefit from the investment. Stress is
reduced, work better as a team,
Customer contact is more positive and
customers are more civilised.
Arriving customers take a
ticket from the dispenser.
The ticket number reserves
their turn for service.
Service staff call each customer
in turn by stepping the ‘NOW
SERVING’ indicator.
Waiting customers are free to move
around, browse, shop …
… until their serving turn
number is displayed.