Ardo CSR rapport 2023 - Flipbook - Page 85
We are Ardo
The path to a more
sustainable food system
Minimal environmental
Food safety, quality
and innovation
Respect for
our employees
Relationship with
our stakeholders
3. Board of Directors
A team with long standing experience
The Board of Directors is our highest
decision-making body. It oversees the CEO
In 2021, Ardo appointed its first external Chairman of
and the Management on behalf of the shareholders.
the Board, Mr. Jules Noten. He ensures the efficient
To ensure a balanced composition of the Board
preparation, deliberation and decision-making of the
of Directors, we pursue a mix of people with diverse
Board, fostering an atmosphere of trust that promotes
skill sets, backgrounds, knowledge, experience,
open discussions and constructive criticism. This approach
and age.
enhances support for the decisions made by the Board.
The Board consists of 9 directors:
The primary goal of the Board of Directors is to preserve
- 4 independent directors from different industries
and continue the development of the company by creating
- 5 representatives of the shareholders
long-term value. The main responsibilities of the Board
- Providing strategic direction
- Appointing and evaluating the group's top management
(CEO & Executive Committee)
- Monitoring performance and risks
From left to right, starting above:
Jules Noten, Jan Haspeslagh, Marc Haspeslagh,
Conny Vandendriessche, Bernard Haspeslagh,
Jan Vander Stichele, Liesbeth Haspeslagh
(future board member) and Michel Haspeslagh.
Ignace Haspeslagh and Stefaan Decraene
are missing on the picture.
- Communicating the group values
- Evaluating and improving the organisation
All members of the Board of Directors think and govern in
the interest of the company, regardless of whether their
background is familial, shareholder or external.
Good governance