Ardo CSR rapport 2023 - Flipbook - Page 71
We are Ardo
The path to a more
sustainable food system
Minimal environmental
Food safety, quality
and innovation
Respect for
our employees
Relationship with
our stakeholders
4. Developing talent
As a dynamic family business, we strongly believe that our employees are the
driving force behind our company. Their knowledge, skills and dedication contribute
to the production and marketing of high-quality products worldwide. Therefore, we
want to offer them every opportunity to learn and develop themselves. In addition
to comprehensive onboarding programmes for new hires and specialised jobrelated training, we provide a wide range of training opportunities.
Ardo Leadership Programme
The Ardo Leadership Programme reflects our
As we continue to develop the programme,
commitment to supporting our employees in
our focus areas include:
their leadership development. The programme is
- Team coaching with an emphasis on 'high
structured into various segments, some of which
performing teams', involving 238 participants,
are dedicated to personal leadership and open to
including group members and local
all employees, while others are tailored to team
management teams.
leadership, specifically designed for those in
managerial roles.
- Situational leadership, aimed at all managers,
with 153 participants enrolled.
- Stress management, complementing our
vitality programme, currently engaging
80 participants, with plans to further
extend this aspect in FY23-24.
Global leadership programme at headquarters in Ardooie (Belgium)
Good governance