Ardo CSR rapport 2023 - Flipbook - Page 59
Minimal environmental
The path to a more
sustainable food system
We are Ardo
Food safety, quality
and innovation
2. Ambition for zero−residue products
Tuning our agricultural practices to our MIMOSA programme has yielded
numerous benefits for our farmers, the environment and the quality of our
products. Implementing preventive measures, such as good rotation,
cover crops and responsible input use, not only enhances growing conditions
but also reduces reliance on crop protection products. This shift results in
fewer pesticide residues on our fresh frozen products.
One of the primary KPIs for measuring the success
The volume of frozen vegetables found to be free
of our MIMOSA programme is the percentage of
of quantifiable levels of pesticide residue, (below
planned production with residues less than the
the detection limit of 0.01 ppm) reached 77% at
detection limit (