Ardo CSR rapport 2023 - Flipbook - Page 57
We are Ardo
The path to a more
sustainable food system
Minimal environmental
2 In our factories
In our commitment to delivering the finest
The SHINE project (Food Safety and Hygiene IN
fresh frozen vegetables, herbs and fruit to our
Evolution) raises the bar for Good Manufacturing
customers, we uphold the highest standards of
Practices (GMP) and daily operational hygiene
food safety and operational hygiene across every
at our production sites. As global leader in the
aspect of the production chain. To translate this
production of fresh frozen vegetables, fruit and
philosophy into action, we have initiated two
herbs, we want to ensure hygienic production
conditions to limit the risk of Listeria or other
Starting in the field, our PURE project (Prevent,
Uncover, Reduce and Eliminate foreign bodies), is
As part of this initiative, in 2023, we conducted
further implemented in our factories, aiming at
an extensive study for the investment in three
preventing foreign objects (items consumers do
new blanching equipment units across our sites in
not expect in purchased products) from entering
Belgium, France and Spain. The local teams, group
our end products. Our aim is nothing short of
Engineering and group Quality teams meticulously
achieving 100% contamination-free products.
evaluated suppliers, prioritising a hygienic design
for the blanchers and conducting on-site visits to
As a specific illustration, this year we improved
ensure adherence to rigorous standards.
and renewed the packing lines in Zundert. We
turned an existing coldstore into a state-of-the-
In Alpiarça we are implementing the Food safety
art packing hall. Next to efficiency and hygiene, we
Culture in a playful way, involving employees in
also focused on PURE. To minimise the presence
activities throughout the working day. Examples
of foreign materials, we maximised the technology
include blindly cleaning hands, a pepper plant as a
installed to clean the product.
gift saying ‘Food safety is in your hands’ and many
other initiatives.
Food safety, quality
and innovation
Respect for
our employees
Relationship with
our stakeholders
Good governance