Ardo CSR rapport 2023 - Flipbook - Page 5
Victor, 10 years
Ava, 5 years
Bastien, 5 years
Sofia, 7 years
Jeanne, 11 years
Claire, 7 years
Arno, 6 years
Mila, 9 years
Marion, 8 years
Clémence, 8 years
Daniella, 7 years
Sofia, 9 years
Noa, 9 years
David, 6 years
Lene, 8 years
Elle, 9 years
Oliver, 10 years
Emiel, 8 years
Linde, 11 years
Dominik, 9 years
Amélia, 6 years
Varla, 7 years
Miriam, 11 years
Carlos, 9 years
Silvia, 9 years
Peter, 10 years
Ardo's mission through the eyes of children
Ardo feeds the future.
It is the common thread that runs through this Sustainability Report.
It is also why we are listening to the next generation by encouraging
the children of our employees to get creative.
We asked the children to depict what kind of food we will be serving
in the future, how farmers will be working the land to grow healthy
vegetables, fruit and herbs, what healthy eating means for them or what
the food of the future will look like. Lots of children were
inspired to make these beautiful drawings.